Have you ever thought about the many of digital accounts that you have? From social media to bill paying - much of our information is now online. What would happen if you or a loved one were suddenly incapacitated or unexpectedly passed away? Kate Hufnagel of the Digital Wrangler gives you peace of mind by helping to get your digital affairs in order so if something unexpected happens, your loved ones know where to start.

In addition to digital affairs, physical affairs should also be prepared.  Jennifer Mortel of Mortel Law, can help to create an estate plan so that your wishes are clear for loved ones to follow.  Meet with Jennifer for a 90min consultation to learn all the aspects of estate planning to start building your plan. 

Win the purposeful planning auction basket and receive a free 90 minute consultation with both donors to help sort out both your physical and digital information to alleviate stress for loved ones and yourself. 

Purposeful Planning

Item #203

$200 - 1 bid

Minimum Bid Increment:




Donated By:

The Digital Wrangler, Mortel Law